NSvT Studbook office:
06-16468125 (whatsapp only)
E-mail: nsvtkantoor@gmail.com (also for canceling membership)
Does your horse have an NSvT Passport but is not a tinker and if you have any questions about this, please contact the consultant in question;
Passport consultants I&R (neutral passports, so not for Tinkers):
Klaas Bakker +31623279934 – if no answer please WhatsApp
Ilse Niesing +31614200344 – (please within office hours)
PSSM & Other Genetic Testing:
E-mail: nsvtpssm@gmail.com or nsvtkeuren@gmail.com
Inspections :
E-mail: nsvtkeuren@gmail.com
Passport consultants NSvT (Tinker) Passports:
If you have any questions about passports, please send an email to nsvtkantoor@gmail.com
Chip consultants:
Klaas Bakker (all of the Netherlands) +31623279934
Ilse Niesing (South/Center) +31614200344
Leen Huber (Limburg) – +32475203245
Rudy Asbroek (east) – +31614734806
E-mail: nsvtfinancieel2@gmail.com
E-mail: nsvtklachten@gmail.com
Grietje Visser (Chairman)
Jaimy Kivits (Secretary)
Sanne van Schie (Treasurer)
Henriette van Lente (General board member)
Wiebe Pot (General board member)
Leonoor van Dongen (general board member - support for GI application procedure)
Roel den Burger (general board member – Breeding and Abroad Committee)
Breeding Committee (nsvtfokkerij@gmail.com)
Roel den Burger
Dineke Roseboom
Natalie Karssing
Natasja Pot
Members committee (nsvtleden@gmail.com)
Willemijne Steenks
Gert Hoekman
Bianca Dawidowicz
Address data Studbook office:
Whinthontlaan 200
3526 KV Utrecht
Bank account NSvT
Dutch Studbook for Tinkers (written in full)
IBAN number: NL53RABO0183608461
Do you have a question about Import notifications regarding UBN registration, see the text on the left of the form.