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The magazine for the Tinker lover!
Our studbook magazine has been published since the start of the association. The layout has of course changed over the years, but the content has always had the same tendency. Reports of the inspections and other events, medical articles, columns and personal stories, birth announcements and overviews of the approved stallions.

It goes without saying that advertising is also possible in the Battie, because we have it under our own management, this can be done for very attractive prices.
Edition; Digital - minimum 500 readers
Rates advertisements 2023;
¼ page – €40,- ecl. VAT
½ page – €70,- excl. VAT
1 page – €115,- excl. VAT
1 page (back of magazine) – €125,- excl. VAT

*If desired, the layout can also be arranged for a small fee.
For advertisements, please contact us at nsvtkantoor@gmail.com


*DISCLAIMER; When you participate in or advertise in Battie, there is a protocol in place.





Order a physical copy

For members

Total: € -

For non-members and extra copies

Total: € -

Deadlines 2024

If you want to submit for the Battie then
you will find the deadlines below.

  • Battie 102 - February 1, 2024 - releases around 2/15
  • Battie 103 - April 1, 2024 (stallion edition) - due out around April 15
  • Battie 104 - July 1, 2024 - releases around 7/15
  • Battie 105 - October 1, 2024 - releases around 10/15



Are you an entrepreneur?

Are you an entrepreneur and would you like to tell us about your product(s) in Battie? Then please contact nsvtkantoor@gmail.com and we look at the possibilities together.

Dutch Studbook for Tinkers

Address data

E: nsvtkantoor@gmail.com 
Whintontlaan 200
3526 KV Utrecht 

© NSVT | Realization: Horse design